Coleorton Youth Football Club

Published in Community Voice August 2023

This photograph labelled ‘Coleorton Youth Football Club 1950-51’ was kindly given to us by Simon Petty. Originally it came from the now closed Angel Inn, Coleorton. In times past the Angel was the home of Coleorton Rovers to which this photograph may refer. The names of the people on the photograph were once inscribed at the bottom of the picture, but with the passage of time and the ravages of damp these are now partially or completely obliterated.

On the basis of the remaining labels and identifications I have been able to obtain so far, the figures are from left to right: back row 1st labelled as S. Croson (but I have been assured by his son that this is Horace Croson!), 2nd Mann, 3rd Johnston, 4th John Bettison, 5th Ian Hodges, 6th Les Croson, 7th Shaw, 8th Roy Hodges (team secretary).

Front row left to right 1st unknown, 2nd Colin Platts, 3rd Stan Hodges rest unknown.

Colin Platts skippered the England Youth Team and went on to play professionally for Aston Villa and Nottingham Forest. Can any readers add to these names or provide further information on the team, its members or the cups on display in front of the them?

Compiled by: Terry Ward

A Sequel - further names and newspaper report >>