Our next "Sleuthing" event will be on Saturday 5 October 10.30am at The New Inn, Peggs Green.
Entry is £3 including coffee/tea and biscuits. No need to book, just turn up.
Coleorton Heritage Group hold regular "Sleuthing" get-togethers and coffee mornings to see if we can identify faces and places in old photos. We achieve some success and have a great time doing it.
As well as Coleorton folks we've welcomed friends from Leicester whose family used to run The Kings Arms and before that The Angel, and a couple from Melton Mowbray who had found a photo of the Coleorton Hall tenants and staff from 1919 and have discovered family links in Farm Town.
We put names to people in old photographs and also try to identify old houses - or where a house or building has been demolished where they were located. This would contribute to Shaelyn's House History project.
We're also inviting you to bring an artefact - an item you've kept from childhood, found in a charity shop, dug up in your garden. See what we all make of it! At our last Sleuthing morning items brought included a cannon ball found in a garden, a brass gizmo for stopping polish getting on officers' uniforms when buffing up the buttons (who'd have thought!) and some religious texts found in the attic.
We will have transcriptions of some Coleorton Census records and the 1939 Register to view.
If you don't have any items or are new to the area come anyway and enjoy a chat about Coleorton past and present. For further info email enquiries@coleortonheritage.org.uk or phone Sandra on 01530 440000.
We send out a newsletter every month or so with news about our activities and events. If you would like to receive our newsletter please subscribe >>.
We have launched "the Coleorton Blue Plaque" scheme to commemmorate buildings and sites in the village which have historic significance.
We have brought together some sources of information about social, family and economic history of Coleorton.
We publish articles in St Mary's monthly parish magazine and on the Coleorton website.