Coleorton Christmas

Christmas is almost upon us! We so look forward to the fun, the family gatherings and festive events. On Sunday 28 November Coleorton residents enjoyed “Christmas on the Green” on Beaumont Green, Lower Moor Road, with songs, children’s activities organised by “Messy Church”, mince pies, mulled wine and more with donations and proceeds to Hospice Hope. Rather an early start for Christmas celebrations – but hey – we in Coleorton are always ahead of the game! Over the years Coleorton community has celebrated Christmas in many ways.

Meeting with neighbours and enjoying shared celebrations is one of our most valuable and valued experiences in life. Coleorton seniors are treated every year to a Christmas tea-party organised and funded by The Beaumont Trust. The Beaumont Relief in Need charity was originally founded by Thomas Beaumont, the 3rd and last Viscount Beaumont of Swords in 1701. The original aim was to help women in need in the parish of Coleorton and will still do that when required. With a view to perhaps forestalling any emergencies, it was agreed a few years ago that a worthwhile use of funds was to help local people keep in touch with each other and feel less isolated via regular coffee mornings and events. Certainly achieves its aims. (Over 40 at the coffee morning on 11 November at the Angel!)

St Mary's Christmas Tree festival, 2004

Back in 2004 St Mary’s Church were busy with a 3-day Christmas Tree Festival with 36 trees bedecked by various local groups and businesses brightening up the Church, culminating in a carol service attended by 150 local people. Cynthia Moseley leader of the social committee was delighted with the efforts of her team and the participants; almost £500 was raised for the Rainbows Hospice.

We all have memories of Christmas at school – nativity plays, parties, carol services. For Christmas 1925 the children of Viscount Beaumont School performed an operetta “Merryton Market” to a packed school hall of families and friends. A day later there was a heavy snowstorm which prevented many pupils getting to school. Nevertheless in the afternoon they performed the operetta again and subsequently attended a tea party provided by Sir George (11th Baronet) and Lady Renee Beaumont and each child received a present. The concerts and Christmas parties became a tradition. During the war years this was not possible but the 12th baronet and his sister Miss Brienne Beaumont sent a gift of a book to each pupil at the school. (What were the books? Does anyone have one of these maybe with an inscription?)

Last year of course celebrations and activities were again limited due to the Covid pandemic. There was no “Christmas on the Green” or parties so the children of Viscount Beaumont School created a “scarecrow nativity” made from straw and old clothes and displayed it on Beaumont Green beside the lit Christmas Tree.

More Coleorton Christmas

Music at Christmas on the Green 2021